20-Feb-2024 Marketeering

What would have to be true?

What would have to be true?

When developing a new marketing strategy for any organization, contrasting the direct question of “Can we do this?” with the more comprehensive “What would have to be true?” significantly alters the strategic planning process.

Direct Question (“Can we do this?”):

This question focuses on immediate feasibility, questioning whether current resources, budget, and expertise are sufficient to initiate the project.

It resembles the preliminary evaluation of available capabilities and resources to determine if a proposed social media campaign is actionable with existing team skills.

Comprehensive Approach (“What would have to be true?”):

This approach encourages a broader perspective, considering not just the ability to start, but the conditions necessary for the marketing strategy to succeed.

It involves a detailed analysis of factors such as market trends, customer preferences, competitive environment, and potential technological advancements or collaborations that could enhance the campaign.

Exploring how these questions influence strategy development:

“Can we do this?”serves as a basic assessment of readiness, akin to checking for immediate availability of resources for a project’s requirements.

“What would have to be true?” prompts a strategic planning process that identifies essential conditions for success. It requires a systematic approach to understand and align with broader objectives and outcomes.

To be effective, considerations might include:

Precision in Messaging: Identifying the specific conditions that would ensure the marketing message resonates strongly with prospective customers and the community.

Digital Strategy Optimization: Determining what digital capabilities or strategic partnerships are necessary to effectively expand reach and engagement.

Authentic Engagement: Establishing the level of genuine involvement from stakeholders needed to create content that is both authentic and compelling.

Resource Allocation: Assessing what budgetary and personnel resources would be essential to realize creative ideas and achieve strategic goals.

By focusing on “What would have to be true?”, the planning process becomes a structured inquiry into achieving not just initiation, but successful execution and sustainability of a marketing strategy. This ensures that the affirmative response to “Can we do this?” is based on a well-considered strategy that comprehensively addresses how to meet and surpass the project’s objectives.