Category: Marketeering

Everybody’s a Marketer: Musings of a Community College CMO

Ah, marketing! The world’s favorite spectator sport, right up there with Monday Night Football and The Bachelor. After 25 years in the game—spanning the intense halls of Fortune 100 conference rooms, the frenetic energy of startups, and now the inspiring landscape of higher ed—I’ve seen it all. And if there’s one truth that spans every […]

Appreciative Inquiry, Marketing, & ChatGPT

This week at work, I’ve had the opportunity to jump both feet first into the world of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). That experience will be saved for another blog post, but heading into tomorrow’s wrap-up session, I thought I’d have some fun with the topic using ChatGPT. … or I used AI to describe AI (H/T […]

Thoughts on digital inflection points, or, don’t wait for your customers

If you’ve heard me speak about digital marketing or social media strategies, you’ve heard me use the phrase “inflection point” when describing the growth of the web. That growth (and those inflection points) have impacted not just how we communicate online, but also in how business is done through digital marketing. Most importantly, these inflection points have […]

Character actors in the age of binge watching

Binge watching. If you’ve got Netflix, you know the feeling. If you’re one of the 7.6 million American households who’ve cancelled their cable subscriptions, in favor of DVD or iTunes or Roku, you know the feeling. Think of all those character actors you see EVERYWHERE across your TV dial. I’ve recently taken up binge watching […]

I got the scoop!

In my role as Chief Listener at EMC, I’m often evaluating new tools to aid in social media listening and analytics. Apparantly, I was the first to mention a product new to the market!

Mega bait earns EMC record breaking results

Tweeting during the event also resulted in EMC’s first ever trending topic on Twitter across the entire United States. But there’s more… here a capsule of the bait activity I blogged about recently. That “mega bait” was recognized by B2B Magazine.

Mega Bait

EMC’s strongest social media marketing program to date is gaining traction around the Mega Launch Teaser Campaign. We’re tweeting and YouTubing and Facebooking and, as soon as the curtain opens, we’ll be blogging aplenty.